ITA 2024 Conference Registration

Conference Delegate: $1,550.00 USD per person

Conference Delegate Registration includes: Welcome Reception (10/27); Conference (10/28 & 10/29); Lunches (10/28 & 10/29); Conference Dinner (10/28)

Spouse: $595.00 USD per person

Spouse Registration includes: Welcome Reception (10/27); Spouses’ Tour & Luncheon (10/28); Conference Dinner (10/28); Conference Lunch (10/29)

If you have any questions about the registration process, please contact ITA Administrator at

First Last

Social Activities Form for the Annual Conference (** Select Sunday Tour and Click yes or no for each):

Sunday, October 27, Sunday Outing in Osaka – time and events to be announced
Sunday, October 27, ITA Welcome Reception, 18:30 – 20:30
Monday, October 28, Conference Luncheon , 12:30 – 13:30
Monday, October 28, Conference Dinner, 18:00 – 20:00
Tuesday, October 29, Conference Luncheon , 12:30 – 13:30
Do you require a vegetarian menu?

Note: ITA Executive Member companies are allowed 2 complimentary conference registrations and ITA Associate Member companies are allowed 1 complimentary conference registration to attend the Association's annual conference. For member company registrations above these complimentary allowances, the conference registration fee shall be applied.